Whew, did we have a long shoot day last Wednesday! One of our clients, Hunter Douglas, commissioned us here at Moxie to showcase their upcoming iPad app that will enable users to control shade settings simply by using their iPad. We found a great location on the East side of Washington Park. The recently built home had beautiful furnishings and large windows to showcase the Hunter Douglas shades. It was perfect.
With a 6:30am crew call, everyone was in serious need of the Full Moxie Breakfast: Einstein’s coffee and Santiago’s breakfast burritos (extra green chili). Over the course of the fourteen-hour day, we shot six setups, including one exterior and one green screen.
Days like this are always interesting because things never go exactly according to plan. You arrive before dawn and leave after dark, everyone gets a little sweaty, and the devil is always in the details. But at Moxie, we love every minute of it. No matter how many takes or setups, we have to get it right. And that’s what makes it all worth it for us.
The footage is in post-production now and should be ready to go next month. We’ll update you when you can check it out. In the meantime, here are a few photos from the shoot.